Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Too Many Books, Too Little Time

I'm now on the downhill side of my summer vacation and the books are piling up! Conquistadora was recommended by a friend.  I had just started it when Alif the Unseen came in at my bookstore, so that's what I'm reading now.  It's a fantasy about a hacker during the Arab spring.  It has a magic book, a magic cat, and jinn; not to mention Star Wars references and Harry Potter references.  Fun!! I had Three Day Town, the latest in one of my favorite mystery series, on reserve at the library and it came in today.  I had forgotten that I'd pre-ordered Shadow of Night, and it turned up in the mail today.  Yesterday, I unexpectedly received Caleb's Crossing from my sister.  So I will be blissfully busy for the rest of July.

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